Combining Traditional and Cutting-Edge Technology Tools in the Classroom

 Since we are in a day of age where technology is vital in our everyday lives, from work to school, to stores, I think integrating technology into my classroom can enhance my teaching and the learning of my students.

One way to incorporate technology into the classroom would be to utilize an interactive whiteboard to engage students in interactive lessons along with multimedia presentations creating a more effective learning environment. An example would be to watch and listen to an educational video on platforms such as "Brain Pop Jr." and then have them complete a short multiple-choice quiz on another platform called Kahoot where I will request the school to provide a few tablets and have the students get in groups to answer the questions pertaining to the video they just watched. Another example would be to have an interactive lesson with the whiteboard where during a lesson are allowed to show their work on the whiteboard with the interactive pen to feel more a part of the lesson.

To evaluate the use of technology in the classroom, I will keep track of each student's level of engagement, participation, and academic performance using a communication app called "Class Dojo," for not only those uses but to also give and gather feedback from students and parents to ensure that the technology usage is effectively enhancing the learning process. 

Check out the video below on what exactly is Class Dojo!
